Using the GWB Forums

We are pleased to provide the GWB to aqueous chemistry community at no cost. Due to the large number of GWB Community Edition users, however, we cannot provide phone or email support. Instead, we provide a special online forum where our Community users can seek support and offer assistance to their colleagues.

Support forum for paid GWB users

GWB Community Edition licensees can browse hundreds of discussion threads on our online forum for paid users. Licensees of GWB Professional, Standard, and Essentials can additionally post queries to the GWB support team and interact with the user community there.

GWB Community Forum

Community users can post new topics to the GWB Community Forum. Users can build a community knowlege base by posing insightful questions and responding to their colleagues’ queries.

As you become more experienced with the GWB, please put your knowledge to good use by contributing to the Community Forum.